Guy's Blog

Guy frequently keeps this blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!

The knees are the keys

Your knees are the keys to everything. For many martial artists knees are the first thing to go, and signal the end of a career.

I don't want my career to end.

I have put my basic knee maintenance program online for free here, and for some reason best known to my subconscious I didn't put one of my key knee stabilisation exercises into it. So one day last week in the gym I set up my phone on a little tripod and videoed the whole exercises for you. It's not my own: I borrowed it from legendary trainer Ryan Flaherty.

I think Vadi was onto something when he put the Keys of St Peter at the knees of his figure illustrating the roles of the parts of the body in swordsmanship, no?

Vadi's segno page: note the keys!

I hope you find this useful! You can find the whole free course here.

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