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Madison Seminar 2024: Improve your Freeplay!

Join me in Madison, Wisconsin, July 6th and 7th, to work on your freeplay skills!
The theme is “improve your fencing”: we will cover a systematic approach to improving your fencing/freeplay/sparring skills with the rapier (Saturday) and longsword (Sunday), regardless of what fencing style you currently study. We will start by establishing safety guidelines, then gradually introduce complexity to simple drills, and learn to create the optimal environment for you to improve your skills.
Beginners are welcome: you won’t be thrown in the deep end.
It’s worth coming to both days, because the challenges are different for each weapon (controlling the impact of a lunge is mechanically very different to controlling the impact of a longsword cut, for example). While the overall approach is the same, the specific exercises and applications are different.
We will include exercises and approaches for:
  1. developing your fencing memory, so you can recreate what just happened, and learn from it.
  2. using freeplay/sparring for technical and tactical development
  3. setting up modified freeplay to allow you to focus on the things you personally need to work on
  4. competitive fencing: how to use it to develop, and how to get better at it.
  5. equipment: what equipment you need, and what the pros and cons are of full-kit freeplay versus using less protection.
  6. communicating goals and boundaries with training partners you don’t know.

Minimum equipment: blunt training sword, mask.

Ideally, have full freeplay gear: mask, gorget, elbow and knee pads, gauntlets, chest protection (jacket, plastron, padding etc.).

Location: The Goodman Centre: 214 Waubesa St Madison, WI 53704

Time: hall open at 10.30, start at 11.00, finish at 17.00 both days.

Cost: $85 for one day, $160 for both days.

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