Guy's Blog

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How to train alone: the new Solo Training course is open for new students!

The day has dawned… the newly updated Solo Training course is live, and ready. It is a huge amount of material, enough for years of training. I am offering it at half off the regular price of $600 (plus tax in Europe), for one week only. The discount is available for the one-off purchase, or you can spread the cost over ten instalments. Join us here.

As with all my courses, there is a cast-iron satisfaction guarantee- if you buy it, try it for up to 30 days, and don’t like it, then you get all your money back.

If you are currently unemployed or in difficult circumstances, email me and I will gladly send you a 90% discount code, or let you in for free. No questions asked. These are hard times for many people.

One student on the course, known as ‘The Anonymous Scandinavian’, had this to say about it:

”It has been a great pleasure for me to study as a student in the Solo Training Course. I have experience in martial arts beginning from the 1982 and I have done my share of teaching too.

To see new training methods and approaches to individual problems has been a refreshing experience! The pell-part totally blew my mind and next day I had one in my yard.

I sincerely recommend The Solo Training Course as a tool of self-improvement for both the beginners and more advanced students of Historical European Martial Arts regardless of their style or discipline.

Solo training is the secret behind all truly excellent martial artists' accomplishments. All world class sword people and martial artists spend much of their training time on solo training.

If you live miles away from the nearest fellow martial artist, don't worry, this course does not require training partners. Instead we cover everything you can reasonably do alone to improve your swordsmanship skills.

If you have regular access to a school or training partners, you can still dramatically up your game by incorporating intelligent solo training into your schedule. This course will teach you how. On this course you will learn ways of developing your mind, your body, and your technical skills, no matter what your starting point is. From absolute beginner to senior martial artist, we have you covered.

The Solo Training course includes these standalone courses:

  • Meditation for Martial Artists This course covers four different kinds of meditation, aimed at improving your state of mind and making you a better martial artist.
  • Fundamentals: Breathing This course will teach you how to breathe properly, and how to develop anaerobic and aerobic fitness without injuring yourself.
  • Fundamentals: Footwork This course will teach you how to move like a martial artist, whatever style you wish to practice.
  • Recreating Historical Swordsmanship from Historical Sources This course will teach you how to study the sources and create useful training syllabi from them. Most of such work can indeed be done alone.


Jessica Finley (author of the book Medieval Wrestling) will teach you solo wrestling training.

Gindi Wauchope (professional historical swordsmanship teacher from Melbourne, Australia) will teach you Bolognese swordsmanship, with the sidesword, sword and buckler, and the two-handed sword.

I will teach you to train alone with

  • The Longsword
  • The Rapier
  • The Smallsword
  • The Spear
  • I.33 style Sword and Buckler
  • Sharp Swords and Cutting practice

As well as give you instruction on:

  • How to build a pell and a wall target
  • How to create handling drills for any weapon
  • Solo training drills for a range of weapons (with more being added over time)
  • Stick handling drills to improve strength and weapons control
  • Instruction on how to create a daily practice, and to train for longer term goals

Sometimes all this choice can be overwhelming, so there are over 30 trainalong workout routines lead by me, each about 40 minutes long, and requiring very little space or equipment. Just hit play and join in!

The breadth and depth of this course is spectacular, providing years of training material.

As with all Swordschool Online courses, you are welcome to try it for 30 days, and request a refund if it doesn’t do it for you. You are always welcome to email me with questions, and send me video clips of anything you may want help. Despite the name of this course, you are NOT ALONE. Over 900 students have taken this course so far: join them!

Chris Kerr, in Canada, says this about it:

There are a lot of reasons why we train solo: there are no martial arts groups in our area; we’re starting the martial arts group in our area but have to learn first; we’re on vacation; we’re in another country with different traditions. I’ve been all of these at various points.

This course is excellent. Guy Windsor is engaged and responsive: you aren’t just buying a series of YouTube videos here. With his years of experience and his focus on and dedication (and interaction) with his students, this is a course to take seriously – and it’s pretty much unique, so get it while you can!

You can find the course here. The discount ends on September 27th, so don’t miss it!

Please feel free to share this with anyone you think may be interested.

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