Guy's Blog

Guy frequently keeps this blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!

Radio Guy

I've been on local radio in the UK a few times in the past week.

Friday 19th June:

BBC Radio Hereford and Worcester, with Malcolm Boyden: Interview starts about 8 minutes in.

BBC Leicester, with Martin Ballard: Interview starts about 3 hours 22 minutes in.

Monday June 22nd:

BBC Somerset with Simon Parkin: Interview starts about 3 hours 16 minutes in.

Thursday June 25th:

BBC Radio Suffolk with Stephen Foster: interview starts about 1 hour 37min in.

Tuesday June 30th:

BBC Radio Devon with David Fitzgerald: Interview starts about 2 hours 34 minutes in.

These links expire four weeks from the date of the interview.

It's quite scary going on the radio, for no good reason- it's not as if the presenter is trying to kill you! But it was a great opportunity to practice fear control in a safe setting 🙂

I was also interviewed for the East Anglian Daily Times, the article came out on Wednesday July 1st, a nice two-page spread:

And you can find the article online here:



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