Guy's Blog

Guy frequently keeps this blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!

We are not alone

We are not alone.

No, I’m not talking about aliens. Even stranger: woodworkers!

If you’ve been keeping up with the World of Guy you’ll know that I’ve been doing a ton of woodworking lately, and it shows no sign of slowing down. This has lead me to look up all sorts of things on t’internet, like better ways of cutting dovetails (everyone does it differently), and drooling over incredibly unaffordable handsaws. Seriously beautiful, and I can totally see where the money is going, but dayum, I can get a sword for that!

The gorgeous Mallard saw from Skelton saws:

Sharp steel is magical, and the high-priest of sharp is Ron Hock, author of the stunningly good The Perfect Edge (affiliate link) which tells you everything you need to know about sharpening anything made of steel. I’ve bought several of his blades and am on his mailing list which sent me spiralling helplessly down a rabbit-hole you might find interesting… because it leads to historically-obsessed recreationists, just like us sword folk. I clicked on the link to the Handworks 2020 event, and that lead me to their vendor list… oh shit. I could spend so much money. Fortunately I am a highly disciplined martial arts instructor, with immaculate self-control. Really.

Anyway, from there, I got to Kieran Binnie’s Over the Wireless blog, which is absolutely fascinating (and he has kindly replied to this blog post with his own). Among other things, he is recreating a woodworking bench from André-Jacob Roubo’s L’Art Du Menuisier, published in 1774, available in translation from Lost Art Press. Just as we are recreating martial arts from historical sources, there are people out there recreating woodworking from historical sources. There are so many parallels it’s hard to know where to start. Here are a few off the top of my head:

1. Working from written sources, and all the problems that come with them, from translation issues, cultural changes altering meaning, and frames of reference changing over time (more on that below).

2. The existence of a current living craft, that is related but different. Ikea make furniture! How is that different? In some ways modern furniture can be considered better than the traditional stuff, especially from an economic standpoint, just as modern martial arts (such as pistol shooting) are unarguably better at killing people than medieval swordsmanship, especially when you look at the training time required to become competent. 

3. Technological changes change everything. A lot of modern furniture is made the way it is because it fits the machine, not the other way round. Machine-cut dovetails have an absolute minimum pin-size determined by the shank of the router bit- usually ¼ inch (6.35mm). But we can cut them by hand with a minimum size determined by the thickness of a saw blade: perhaps 1/50th of an inch or a shade under 0.5mm. And what is the history of martial arts if not the history of weapons technology?

4. Fashion changes everything. A perfectly excellent and functional style of furniture may be superseded by something empirically less good, if the fashion changes. A perfectly excellent sword may be superseded by something empirically less good at killing people, if the fashion changes. 

Another element we have in common is the astonishing levels of nerdery that historical swordsmanship/woodwork entails. Mr Binnie is such a good historian that he is recreating Roubo’s bench using Roubo’s units of measurement. “So what?” you might ask (but no true historical martial artist would). So Roubo’s pouce (thumb or inch) is slightly bigger than the modern standard: one pouce is 1.066 modern inches. At least according to the awesome Brendan Bernhardt Gaffney. Mr Binnie is using one of Mr Gaffney’s Pied de Roi (King’s foot) rules, which is marked out as close as research can establish to the same standard that Roubo would have used. His bench will therefore be ever so slightly bigger than it would otherwise have been. This led me on to an absolute must have new tool: the cabinetmaker’s sector, which sadly Mr Gaffney is not making any more, so I’ve made one myself. It's crap, compared to his. Mr Gaffney, if you're reading this- please make me a sector?

There is a renaissance afoot in recreating Roubo’s benches, which I think may have begun with the work of Christopher Schwarz, author of many excellent woodworking books, including Workbenches: From Design and Theory to Construction and Use (affiliate link), which explains how he built a Roubo bench. The bench is detailed in Plate 11 of Roubo’s book, and indeed we find a website at the url that is all about one man’s obsession with recreating the bench commercially (I.e. You can buy his benches. I wish! No, actually I’d rather build one…). Can't you just imagine that link going to a plate from Capoferro?

Even up-to-the-minute young woodworkers like Matt Estlea have built a version of the Roubo. This video is a summary of his process- note the digitally controlled machinery etc. Mr Estlea is also using modern hardware on the bench such as the vice screws (as does Mr Binnie).

These Roubos are so popular even Barbie has one! 

(The only good reason to join Instagram I’ve ever seen. Seriously amazing pictures.)

This rabbit hole goes on and on… going back further, Mr Schwarz has a book on the Roman workbench (Ingenious Mechanicks) which I ordered the moment I saw it on Rex Krueger’s video about building a super-cheap version of the bench, here:

But I first found Rex Krueger when Steve Chalkey of the Ipswich Makerspace sent me a link to his video about recreating a whole other kind of historical woodworking bench, the so-called “English Bench”. Here:

Which in turn led to this incredible video of Mike Siemsen showing how you can do literally every hand-tool woodworking operation on a bench with no vice. Because a lot of historical benches didn’t have a vice, and apparently these woodworking geniuses didn’t need one.


Which reminds me oh so very much of how our martial forebears solved every kind of martial problem without computers, knowledge of biology, etc. etc. They had perfectly effective solutions that did not require the more technologically sophisticated solutions that we have come to take for granted to the point that we are helpless without them. 

When it comes to swordsmanship training, I have all the gear. Of course I do. This is my job. You wouldn’t be surprised to see a professional cabinetmaker with a really good toolkit. So I’ve got sharp swords of all shapes and sizes, blunt training sword-like-objects of the best quality, I even own a salle. But, and it’s a big but (like yours will be if you don’t get some training done!) it can be very liberating and encouraging of creativity to leave all that fancy stuff aside, and see what can be done with just a stick. Or a pair of wine bottles covered in tape. I've shot a video of clubs training for my Solo Training Course, you can see the first ten minutes (out of 29) in this sample video here:

As the unplugged woodworking community (and more pertinently the historical record) has shown, there is nothing in woodwork you can’t do with just hand tools. It just will take more time and skill. The same is true of swordsmanship. 

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    I'm sure you have an opinion: do share!

    8 Responses

    1. Handworks is a great event, even if you don’t spend a dime more than your travel and lodging you will leave much richer in knowledge from the people there to talk to.

    2. I have lots of opinions…

      I’ve been to Handworks 2013, 2015, and 2017. Will there be a Handworks 2020? Who knows at this point. I’d like to think so.

      In 2013, I went to this new event, still very much in my shell, so to speak, a bit nervous chatting with most people and still feeling incredibly novice/newb as it relates to woodworking. I did meet saw maker Ron Bontz ( that year. He only lives an hour from me. We became friends and have been ever since. My son and I have been to his shop several times and we both have a number of his saws.

      In 2015, I went to Handworks as a worker at a friend’s booth, donning my kilt and a variety of British-themed shirts. My friend Phil, of Philly Planes, is a traditional plane maker in the UK. When he told me he was going to Handworks, I asked him how I could help. We ended up having him ship all of his supplies – stock to sell, signs, lamps, etc – to me and I drove it all up to Amana, IA, a day early and we set up his booth. Then I worked for Phil at his booth, helping him sell planes and marking gauges and anything else he had on hand. I did a good job. Phil was impressed I knew so much that I could demo and sell his planes.

      That year was also the year Mike, the owner of Classic Hand Tools in the UK, was there and wanted a bunch of pictures of him with the American Tool makers he vends for in the UK. I had a little free time on Saturday so Phil gave me furlough to photograph Mike and Alex and drink a bit of beer with some Brits. It was a fantastic weekend.

      The 2017 Handworks was different from both of the earlier events. I brought my then-6-year-old son, Finley, with me. Roy Underhill was going to be there and Finley has been watching Roy ply his trade (via DVD) since he was 3. He was VERY excited to meet Roy. He asked me if Peter Ross, master blacksmith at Colonial Williamsburg, was going to be there. Peter is on many of Roy’s videos as well. I looked it up and confirmed he was and he was even MORE excited.

      It was very different going that last year as a woodworker with more experience, more confidence, and a more outgoing personality to share that experience with my son. He brought a truck we’d made in the shop earlier that year and asked Roy to sign it for him. It sits in his room in a place of honor on his dresser. He got to meet Jameel Abraham, one of the organizers of Handworks and an owner of Benchcrafted, a company that sells the pinnacle of quality bench hardware. Later that year, Jameel would offer for sale the Hayward workbench he’d built for an issue of Popular Woodworking magazine. I bought it for Finley and he uses it in the shop next to my bench to this day.

      And Finley got to meet Peter Ross (I got to order a pair of Peter Ross holdfasts). He impressed the hell out of Peter, I think. He approached him and said he’d been watching Peter on Roy Underhill shows since he was three and he loved all of his episodes the best. Peter didn’t quite believe him, so he asked what his favorite episode was. Finley promptly answered with the season and episode and described in detail what they were doing. Even I didn’t know he retained that much information is his brain! Peter was so impressed he gave Finley some of the handmade nails Peter made. It was appropriate because his favorite episode discusses making square nails.

      I also became closer friends with Mark Hicks (your obsessed maker at Plate11 benches), who only lives a few hours away from me in Ozark, Missouri. In fact… I bought one of Mark’s shop benches, a 7’ long Roubo that was one of the first he made. I know this because the joinery is different when comparing left to right. He was practicing his different leg mortising skills – dovetailed mortises and straight mortises.

      I picked the bench up later that month when I didn’t have Finley in the car with me. I needed all of the room in my vehicle I could get because I was driving my Toyota Venza. Mark doubted we could stuff that 7’ long, 18” wide, 30” high bench in such a vehicle. And I proved him wrong. For proof, check out the hashtag #shiticanputinmyVenza on Instagram to see pictures. I was a bit nervous driving home, to be sure.

      Er… sorry, I can be a bit verbose at times. Especially after six weeks of quarantine with minimal human contact, apparently.

      I have lots more to say at and @thekiltedwoodworker on Instagram.


      1. Hi Ethan! I’m very flattered that the kilted woodworker himself is commenting on my blog! How did you come across it?
        Thanks for sharing your Handworks experiences. Clearly, I have to go there. One day…
        Classic Hand Tools is literally a few minutes drive from my house- which i discovered three years after moving here! I got there once before lockdown. Oh my. I went for a saddle square and came back having significantly expanded my tool collection!
        BTW I hope it’s clear from my post that I hold these woodworkers (like Mark Hicks) in very high regard.

        1. Aw, you know, mate, I’m all places. And a friend of Kieran. Saw him at Handworks 2015, as well, by the way! We have a piccie of it floating around somewhere.

          Next time you’re in CHT, look for a tall, lanky bloke with wee beady eyes named Alex and let him know that no self respecting dad travels without wipes anymore so his smeary chocolate on my auto door handles was gone in no time. And that I never forget. 🤨

          Oh, it didn’t come across as any other way, Guy. You’re good, mate!

          Fantastic blog, by the way.


    3. Guy.
      Was a fellow lover of both woodworking and swords.
      You should check out Emanuele Lugli
      The Making of Measure and the Promise of Sameness
      First Edition ISBN-13: 978-0226612492, ISBN-10: 022661249X

      It is all about how how people worked out what an inch was before standardization

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