Guy's Blog

Guy frequently keeps this blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!

Comic book treatises? Whatever next?

I have the best readers. They are forever coming up with great ideas that I would never have thought of myself, and then sharing them with me. For instance, a while ago, Alex Beaudet contacted me with the suggestion of creating versions of illustrated fencing treatises in the format used for the ebook version of comic books and graphic novels. This is obviously better than the standard pdf or epub because it is precisely designed for distributing books made up of image files, rather than text.

But it's something I know absolutely nothing about, so I replied along the lines of ‘great idea, but not something I can do myself'. And so Alex kindly volunteered to do it.

We started with Vadi's De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi, which has come out beautifully. It's free, but feel free to pay something for it if you want to support this kind of work. You can see it for yourself here:

De Arte Gladiatoria

And we have Capoferro in the works!

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