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Gorgeous playing cards- with swords!

Every now and then someone comes up with a brilliant idea, brings it to market, and I see it and immediately buy it. No thought required.

This playing card crowdfunding campaign is one such. Historical swordswomen from across the globe, and from the last 800 years or so of history. Yes, they even have Walpurgis from I.33!

The organiser is the excellent Alexander Petty, who established the identity of the flower used in the poison dust in Fiore’s poison dust pollax play. You may have read about it here. Alexander is a history geek (like us), and so the details are very nicely thought out:

It’s very important to me that swordsmanship isn’t confined to middle aged white men (like me). One thing that helps make it clear that swords are for everyone is the history of women swordfighters.  That’s why I was dead set on making the third Audatia deck a woman (and we picked the glorious Agnes Hotot).

Now take a look at this:

Just for extra excellence, the artwork is being done by women.

And if you find yourself sitting across a poker table from this woman, RUN AWAY!

Check out the campaign video to see why. The quality of the cards seems to be top-notch. I know just enough about card handling to see that these are lovely cards. And she can make them do whatever she wants.

These are really good looking playing cards that also bear witness to the history of women in swordsmanship. And they are very reasonably priced.I should also mention that the campaign has reached its goal, so will definitely be made. Which makes me very happy.

Go. Buy now. Seriously, what are you waiting for?

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