Guy's Blog

Guy frequently keeps this blog updated with thoughts, challenges, interviews and more!

Seminars in Finland, October 10-14

Back in the Salle!

I got back from the amazing SwordSquatch on Tuesday, and I'm processing the experience; expect an event review soon. But in the meantime, I am looking forward to my upcoming trip to Helsinki, where I'll be seeing old friends, making new ones, and teaching a lot of swordsmanship at the Swordschool Secret Hideout (aka The Salle, Luiskatie 8, 00770 Helsinki. So, not that secret then):

On Wednesday 10th October, 18.00-19.30 I'll run a Rapier coaching class, no charge (this will be videoed for part of the new Rapier Course).

Friday 12th, 18.00-20.00: Breathing exercises. This will cover the basics of breathing training, with more advanced exercises for the more experienced, cost: 20€.

Saturday 13th 11-17.00: Rapier seminar, suitable for beginners and advanced rapier fencers, cost: 40€.

Sunday 14th 11-17.00: Longsword seminar, suitable for beginners and advanced student,. cost: 40€.

All my classes begin with a survey of the students, in which you get to ask for the things you are most interested in. So if there is any aspect of these subjects you'd like me to cover, come along and we'll do it if possible.

To register for any of these, please send an email to

I hope to see you there!

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