Guy's Blog

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Audatia online: free tabletop simulator!

Audatia is now available on the Steam platform tabletop simulator!

Probably the best thing about creating Audatia, the medieval swordfighting card game, is the way it inspires its players. You may have seen this beyond-awesome fan-made trailer which perfectly represents the spirit and intent of the game:

You can find the rules in Spanish, French and Russian (with, I believe, Italian on its way), because fans of the game have translated them for other players.

And now another fan project has come to fruition: Michael Thompson has created a tabletop simulator on the Steam platform, where you can play the game. He did it on his own, without any help from the creators of the game (Rami, Samuli, Jussi and I), and when it was done he just asked for our permission to upload it.

This is also way-beyond-awesome, and I hope you enjoy playing it!


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