Just yesterday Louise Mann, a student on my Knee Maintenance course, sent me a review she had written. It blew me away, so I'm sharing it here, with her permission.
Part 1: A gentle warm up.
Excellent safety advice regarding not following along slavishly, but actually knowing and understanding your own physical limitations and acting appropriately.
Great explanation of where the hips are located, and thus where the movement should be localised. Memorable description of how far you should be looking to squat!
Part 2: Mindful stepping, and balance practice.
The mindful stepping exercise was most instructive. I go barefoot, or wear thin-soled shoes as much of the time as possible, but even then (as I rarely walk around blindfolded) I don’t think that much about what my feet are doing. Having to concentrate on receiving feedback from my feet whilst walking about felt quite strange to begin with, but the longer I did the exercise, the more normal this became. Definitely something to continue with and improve.
Balancing on one leg was easy to begin with – then came level 2 with eyes closed. Absolutely hopeless to begin with and was just glad that no-one was observing my efforts! As with the mindful stepping, this simple exercise showed how easy it is to lose concentration and therefore body awareness.
The ‘book reading’ exercise is probably not one I’ll be using at my local bookshop any time soon as I find squatting more comfortable. However, it certainly is a good strengthening exercise, as well as have some flexibility component as well.
Part 3: Training your knees to move correctly.
This is the best explanation I have ever seen regarding how a knee should track over the foot. The information about ankle and hip mobility is crucial.
Part 4: How to massage your knees.
Invaluable. For myself, the best part of the course. The point about checking as to whether the massaged leg feels better than the unmassaged one is so obvious, yet probably overlooked by most people.
Concluding thoughts.
Clearly shot video with excellent sound throughout. Instruction clear and to the point. Caveats used where appropriate (particularly with regard to warm up).
The quality and depth of this course has led me to the conclusion that I will have to buy some (perhaps all) of your other online offerings! Many thanks for making this course freely available to all.
Louise Mann 08-12-2016
Interested? You can find the course here. If you've already taken it, I'd be glad to hear what you thought of it.
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