Guy's Blog

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Tag: book distribution

The first three instalments of my new series, The Swordsman's Quick Guide, are now live!

Just take a look at these covers, by Eleonora Rebecchi (the photo on part 2 is by Nathan Robinson):

7PrinciplesCover ChoosingaSwordCover PreparingforFreeplayCover

I am experimenting with using Smashwords to distribute my ebooks; their formatting requirements are arcane in the extreme (they require vintage formatting, like doc files, forsooth!), so I haven't got my longer books up there (yet), but they have excellent distribution; they upload to everywhere you can think of except Amazon. So you should find these titles on Kobo, iBooks, and so on in due course. The Kindle files are uploaded; one major benefit of Smashwords is, once all the hoops are jumped through, your book goes live in seconds. Amazon usually takes about 8-12 hours, in my experience. So they should be live there tomorrow.

In the meantime, you can get them direct from Smashwords. You can also get them from my Gumroad bookshop here.

These bijou booklettes are each about 6,000 words, and each word has been carefully examined by a host of kind volunteer readers (whose free copy of their instalment will be delivered soon!). So let me here thank each and every one of you that has helped make these better.

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    The distribution mechanisms of print on demand and ebook titles are arcane in the extreme. But it appears that the paperback versions of Veni Vadi Vici and the 2nd edition of the Swordsman's Companion will have filtered through by the middle of May. And while the pdfs can be had from my Scribd account, the epubs must be got from elsewhere. Lightning Source, my printers, sent me a list of distributers, which I append below.

    A Book Company LLC– (US)

    Advanced Educational Products (US)

    All Romance eBooks (US)
    Asia Books (Thailand)

    Berean Christian Stores (US) Bilbary (UK) (Netherlands) Bookshop Krisostomus (Estonia) BooksonBoard (US)

    Campus eBooks (US)
    Canongate Books (UK)
    Central Boekhuis (Netherlands) (US)
    Computer Manuals Ltd. (US)
    DEA Media Group (Italy)
    Diesel eBooks (US)
    Digital Reserve (US)
    Direct Ebooks (Ireland)
    DittoBook (US)
    DMC (US)
    Early Access, Inc. dba (US) eBookMall (US)
    eBookShop (South Africa)
    EC Media International (India) eCommSource (Ireland)
    Eguidebooks, Inc (US)
    FeedBooks (France)
    Fictionwise (US)
    Fishpond (New Zealand/Australia) (Japan)
    Hastings (US)
    Infibeam (India) (South Africa)
    Kobo Books (Canada) (Italy)
    Lai Lai Book Company (China) (Germany) (US) (US)
    Mardel (US)
    MBS Books (eBook) (US)
    Media Corp. Ltd. (Singapore)
    MobiLire (France

    Mogul View Media (Switzerland) MPH Online (Malaysia)
    Off World Books (US)
    Online Book Place (US)

    Page Foundry (US) Parable (US) (US) PocketBook USA (US) Powells

    Qbend LLC (US)
    Robertson Marketing Services (US) Saraiva e Siciliano (Brazil)
    SBS Special Book Services (Brazil) SHOP.CA (Canada)
    Starland Media (US)
    Suomalainen (Finland)
    Teaching Shop (Australia)
    Team Research (US)
    TookBook (Croatia)
    Total Boox (Israel)
    Tradebit (Germany) TreeFreeMobile (US)
    Tritium Digital Pte Ltd. (Singapore) Txtr GmbH (Germany)
    WaveCloud (US)
    Webster (Italy)
    W.F. Howes (UK)
    WOWIO (US)

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