Swordschool turned 24 years old yesterday! March 17th 2001 saw the very first class I taught as a full-time professional instructor, at the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki.
Not the whole Olympic Stadium. A small room somewhere inside it. I was expecting about 6 to 12 people, and something over 70 showed up. Some of them are still training now.
I don’t have a photo of that very day, but digging around through the archives I found some golden oldies.
Here’s what a rapier class looked like in (I think) 2002:

And the photoshoot for The Swordsman’s Companion in 2003 was very serious.

And lots of hard work.

And nobody fooled around because it was serious hard work.

The School depended so entirely on the goodwill and trust of those early adopters, who had no good reason to believe I knew what I was doing, but turned up to class anyway.
So to celebrate Swordschool turning 24, you can use the code SWORDSCHOOL24 at checkout to get 24% off all digital products (not printed books, t-shirts etc, sorry. They cost too much to produce!). You can find courses at courses.swordschool.com, and books, audiobooks, and print-at-home pdfs of my card game Audatia at swordschool.shop
Just use the code at checkout to get the discount. The code expires on March 31st.
Thanks for coming along on the Swordschool ride, whenever it was you started!
2 Responses
happy 24th, Swordschool! here’s to many more!
Gracias amigo!