How to get in touch

If you’d like to get in touch with me directly, my inbox is open – particularly to Swordschool students, Patrons, and readers. This goes double if you’re struggling with a particular book or course!

That said, I’m just one man (with a family, several jobs, and no secretary) so there are a few guidelines to bear in mind:

  • Many potential questions have already been addressed in blog posts, books, podcasts, or videos – so have a look through those first.
  • It would be helpful if you could be as brief as possible – five lines or less is best!
  • If you’re asking about something from my own work, make sure your email contains all the relevant specifics – which course you’re taking, book page references, etc.
  • Similarly, if you’re asking about a specific historical source please include page references.
  • It would be unprofessional and unsportsmanlike to comment on the work and interpretations of other living instructors; please don’t ask for this.
  • Some questions require extremely lengthy and complex answers – for anything more than a quick query, please consider booking a consultation appointment instead.
  • I’m rarely active on social media, so please don’t message me there; I’ll probably never even see it.

If you’ve read through all the above, go ahead and send an email here – I’ll get back to you within about five working days.

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